Bible Heroes & Villains
Be inspired by heroes of the Bible to spread Light and overcome Darkness. Learn about how biblical characters can speak truth into our lives.
Esau: Stew and Eggs
“It’s the economy, stupid!” This famous “wisdom” from politics was minted by James Carville during the successful presidential election campaign…
Sarah Laughed!
If I told you the Buffalo Bills would win the Super Bowl next year, I bet you’d laugh! The Bills…
Jesus Laughed!
Jesus laughed! As you may know, the series The Chosen is an immensely popular presentation of the life of Jesus…
Peter “Conquers” the Nations—the Non-Jews
One of the notable themes of the Prophet Isaiah is his confidence that Israel will “conquer” the nations—the non-Jews. He…
Barnabas Encourages and Trains Saul
This blog is based on the chapter “Barnabas Encourages and Trains Paul”, first published in 2004 in my book Lighting…
Peter and John Heal a Crippled Man at the Temple
This blog is based on the chapter “Peter and John Heal a Crippled Man at the Temple”, first published in…
Jesus Playing a Starring Role, Not a Cameo Appearance: In Humanity
Jesus should play a starring role in Humanity. Jesus should not merely put in an occasional cameo appearance. Unfortunately, Humanity…
Jesus Playing the Starring Role, Not a Cameo Appearance: In Our Life
Jesus should play the starring role in your life. Jesus should not merely put in an occasional cameo appearance. Unfortunately,…
Following Jesus: A Marriage, Not a Date
My wife and I recently celebrated our 40th Wedding Anniversary. This notable achievement led me to reflect on the difference…
Hypocrisy: Taking Away What You Gave
Desperate times demand desperate measures. The king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, “and all his army and all the kingdoms and peoples…