Listen to the General Counsel series podcasts with author Tim Harner. Drawing upon his experience as a General Counsel, Tim counsels people based on insights from the Bible.
Paul’s Speech, Life, Love, Faith and Purity
Paul Nurtures the Early Churches by setting a good example through his speech, life, love, faith and purity. Today’s episode…
At Corinth, Paul Preaches Nothing But Christ Crucified
At Corinth, Paul preaches nothing but Christ crucified. Why? To overcome the stumbling block (to “Jewish” beliefs) of a crucified…
Paul Worries about the Church in Thessalonica
Paul, Silas and Timothy write to the church in Thessalonica, rejoicing because Timothy had just returned to Athens from Thessalonica…
The Way of Jesus: The Nones, Part 1
My blogs “The Way of Jesus: The Nones” and “The Way of Jesus: Following the Way of the Wisdom that…
Paul Preaches in Athens
Paul preaches in Athens. He found it was harder to release brilliant people from the prison of their philosophies than…
Paul and Silas Sing Hymns in the Prison at Philippi
Paul and Silas sing hymns after being falsely accused and thrown into prison. An earthquake sets them free. Their jailer…
Paul, Silas and Timothy Become a Team of Missionaries
A sharp disagreement between Barnabas and Paul ends their joint mission trips. Barnabas went with Mark to Cyprus. Paul went…
An Early Church Council Encouraged Non-Jews To Turn to God
A church council decided not to impose Jewish customs on non-Jews so that it would not be hard for non-Jews…
An Interview of Pastor Buddy Hubbard
Pastor Buddy discusses his lifetime of learning about racism and of acting in ways that encourage racial equity and racial…
Civilizations and Governments, Part 7
My blogs “Keeping the Powers of Money, Religion and Kingdoms Separate”, “Alcatraz: Escaping by Using ‘Countervailing Powers’ Wisely”, “Spilling Coffee”,…