Overcoming Darkness
Be inspired to overcome every “pharaoh” and civilization that exploits or oppresses people.
Jesus Gives Us Frequent Flier Miles
I was booking a flight for my wife. I used frequent flier miles. It struck me that frequent flier miles…
The Nones: Thanksgiving Dinner
On a recent Thanksgiving, I thought about how to attract the Nones to the Way of Jesus. As you may…
Neelix’s Bespoke Sweater
Our cat Neelix is getting old. You can see the pain as his arthritis-riddled body waddles around. He’s always had…
A Good Golf Swing: Faith, Not Works
Considering how poorly I played golf (I stopped playing after I broke my ankle 20 years ago), I’m always nervous…
Finding Earbuds
I have two pairs of earbuds for my iPad. Since I love to listen to audiobooks and to stream other…
Being a Cheerful Giver
The Bible tells us: “God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7). In the past, I associated being a “cheerful…
The Total Eclipse: Red and Blue License Plates
To honk? Or not to honk? That is the question! My wife and I drove more than 2,000 miles on…
The Total Eclipse: Shielded by a Sticker
My wife and I drove more than 2,000 miles on our round trip to see the Total Solar Eclipse in…
The Total Eclipse: What “Clouds” Block Our View?
My wife and I drove more than 1200 miles from Florida to Killeen, Texas to see the Total Eclipse. In…
Get Mutual Assured Shalom, Not Mutual Assured Destruction
I urge you to read the book Nuclear War: A Scenario, published in 2024 by Annie Jacobsen. It is a…