Listen to the General Counsel series podcasts with author Tim Harner. Drawing upon his experience as a General Counsel, Tim counsels people based on insights from the Bible.
The Garden of Gethsemane
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prays that he be spared arrest, torture and crucifixion. Jesus became troubled—overwhelmed with sorrow to the…
The Last Supper
On the night in which Jesus was betrayed, he washed the feet of the Twelve; tried to get Judas to…
Judas Betrays Jesus for Thirty Silver Coins
Judas hears Jesus denounce rich people who devour the houses of poor widows while hiding their hypocrisy behind lengthy prayers….
Jesus Defeats Caiaphas’ Cronies
Caiaphas’ cronies tried to trap Jesus in his words, so he would either be arrested by the Romans or become…
Jesus Drives the Merchants Out of the Temple
After being welcomed into Jerusalem by crowds shouting “Hosanna”, Jesus drove the merchants out of the Temple. Caiaphas (the high…
Jesus Tells Judas Iscariot To Leave Mary Alone
Judas rebukes Mary for “wasting” expensive perfume by anointing Jesus with it. Jesus tells Judas to leave Mary Alone.
Caiaphas Tells the Sanhedrin that Jesus Must Die
Caiaphas tells the Sanhedrin that Jesus must die so that they wouldn’t lose their power or prestige.
Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead
Jesus shows that he is the Resurrection and the Life by raising Lazarus from the dead.
Jesus Welcomes Sinners; The Proud Pharisee and The Humble Sinner
Jesus welcomes sinners as if they are a lost sheep, a lost coin, or a lost child. God doesn’t praise…
Mary & Martha, and the Rich Fool
Jesus teaches us not to worry and not to be deceived wealth.