Listen to the General Counsel series podcasts with author Tim Harner. Drawing upon his experience as a General Counsel, Tim counsels people based on insights from the Bible.
Saul Becomes a Follower of Jesus
On his way to Damascus to persecute churches, Saul was blinded by a flash of light. He stopped persecuting followers…
Stephen Becomes the First Martyr
Stephen became the first martyr when his inflammatory speech incited anger and violence. But he also planted seeds of wisdom,…
Despite Persecution, the Early Believers Pray for Great Boldness
The Early Believers prayed for great boldness, even though they knew that their great boldness would probably lead to greater…
Peter and John Defy the Rulers and Keep Preaching
Peter and John healed a crippled man in the Temple, and then preached that Jesus was the Messiah. As a…
Peter and John Heal a Crippled Man at the Temple
Peter and John healed a crippled man at the Temple. They didn’t give him what he wanted and mistakenly thought he needed—money! Instead,…
The Early Believers Devoted Themselves to Teaching, Fellowship, the Breaking of Bread, and Prayer
The early believers showed that they loved the LORD their God with all their heart, soul, and mind, and loved…
The First Believers Are Filled with the Holy Spirit
On the Day of Pentecost, the first believers are filled with the Holy Spirit. Peter preaches. About 3,000 people repent, receive…
Waiting, Praying and Preparing
The early believers wait, pray and prepare after the ascension as they wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit to come upon them.
Jesus Is Taken Up into Heaven
Jesus is taken up into heaven after promising to be with us to the end of the age, and after…
Jesus Encourages Peter To Take Care of His Sheep
Jesus restores hope and purpose to Peter by giving him the chance to declare three times that he loved Jesus, carrying Peter over oceans…