Spreading Light

Christ the Redeemer

The Statue of Christ the Redeemer stands on Corcovado Mountain above Rio. Wherever I went around Rio, I couldn’t keep my eyes from looking up and seeing Christ the Redeemer looking over the city—and over me. I sensed that the out-stretched arms of Christ the Redeemer were blessing me and all Rio DeJaneiro! And that Christ the Redeemer was inviting me—and all of us—to come, and follow him.

If you’ve ever been to Rio DeJaneiro, you surely remember seeing the Statue of Christ the Redeemer. Even if you’ve never seen the Statue in person, I’m sure you’ve seen pictures of it.

I visited Rio several years ago as part of a tour group. I was struck by how much greater the impact of seeing the Statue is in person than in a photo.

The Statue stands on Corcovado Mountain above Rio. Wherever I went around Rio, I couldn’t keep my eyes from looking up and seeing Christ the Redeemer looking over the city—and over me.

I sensed that the out-stretched arms of Christ the Redeemer were blessing me and all Rio DeJaneiro! And that Christ the Redeemer was inviting me—and all of us—to come, and follow him.

I felt an even greater impact when I arrived at the foot of the Statue together with others on my tour.

From a distance, my mind had naturally “shrunk” the size of the Statue to fit a more “normal”, more “human” size. But once I arrived at the foot of the actual Statue, it towered over me.

Moreover, the view from Corcovado Mountain on which the Statue stands also inspires awe. From this heavenly perspective, I saw the beauty of Rio, its bay, its gorgeous beaches, and its surrounding mountains.

Even more amazing, was the awe inspired by the Statue itself.

I was surprised by how the Statue managed to convey so many emotions.

As you may know, the Statue was “carved” in the style of Art Deco. Several sculptors and engineers united their artistic inspirations to create this masterpiece. (See BACKGROUND INFORMATION below).

To me, Art Deco always seems lifeless and angular. But not the Art Deco of the Statue of Christ the Redeemer.

Standing so near to the Statue, I needed to arch my neck and back in order to gaze upon the nail holes in Christ’s hands and upon the love in Christ’s face.

I felt the compassion that radiates from Christ-the-Redeemer—for me individually and for each person in Rio.

I felt the abounding love and faithfulness of Christ-the-Redeemer—for me individually and for each person in Rio.

I felt surrounded and embraced by the love and faithfulness that radiates from Christ-the-Redeemer—for me individually and for each person in Rio.

My reactions to this Statue of Christ the Redeemer mirror people’s reactions to the actual Christ-the-Redeemer—Jesus himself!

At first, Jesus seems to be a distant figure. Nevertheless, we can sense Jesus beckoning to us and blessing us, urging us to follow the Way of Jesus.

Then, as we draw nearer to Christ-the-Redeemer, we feel Christ-the-Redeemer drawing nearer to us. (James 4:8; Psalm 145:18; Jeremiah 29:13; Matthew 6:33; Psalm 63:1; Proverbs 8:17; Isaiah 55:6; Hebrews 11:6).

And, the nearer we draw to Jesus, the nearer we draw to the Presence of the LORD, as revealed to Moses more than 3,000 years ago and recorded in Verses 6-7 of the 34th Chapter of Exodus.

We see and feel the Presence of the LORD—all of his Glory and all of his Goodness. (Exodus 33:18-19,22).

We see and feel that the LORD is:

—compassionate and gracious (Exodus 34:6);

—slow to anger (Exodus 34:6);

—abounding in love and faithfulness (Exodus 34:6);

—maintaining love to multitudes (Exodus 34:6); and

—forgiving everyone, while reducing the bad effects of our bad choices as much as feasible (Exodus 34:6).

By experiencing Christ-the-Redeemer, we see and feel the many ways that Jesus-our-Redeemer embodies the Presence of the LORD—all of his Glory and all of his Goodness. (Matthew 5:17; John 1:1-5; John 14:6-14).

We experience how all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge—all the fullness of the Godhead—are embodied in Jesus (John 1:1-5; Colossians 2:3,9).


The Statue of Christ the Redeemer was the result of cooperation among artistic geniuses from several nations. A French-Polish sculpture, Paul Landowski, created the concepts. A Brazilian engineer, Heitor da Silva Costa, collaborated with a French engineer, Albert Caquot, to build the Statue. A Romanian sculptor, Gheorghe Leonids, sculpted the face.

It is fitting that people from a number of nations worked together to create a work of art worthy of Christ-our-Redeemer. (Matthew 28:18-20; Revelation 7:9-10).


What do you feel and experience when you see pictures of the Statue of Christ the Redeemer? Why?

What do you feel and experience as you think about Jesus-our-Redeemer when you are distant from him? Why?

What do you feel and experience as you draw nearer to Jesus our Redeemer? Why?

In what sense could Jesus claim that, if we see him and his actions, we see God the Father (John 14:8-11; Colossians 2:3,9).


For related thoughts, please read my blogs “Meditations: Hesed Redeems Forever”, “Hesed Saves and Nurtures Baby Moses”, “Places of Worship—Burning Bushes”, “What Did Moses Say Concerning the Messiah?”, “Immanuel: Moses”, “Hesed Establishes the Works of Moses’s Hands—Mount Nebo”, and “Building the Temple—Moses”.