Spreading Light

Flowering Trees

Thanks to the landscaper who planted a flowering tree outside the window of our townhouse, I am reminded each morning (while brewing coffee) to rejoice and be glad in this day that the LORD hath made (Psalm 118:24), and to pray: “May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart, be pleasing in thy sight, O LORD, my Strength and my Redeemer”. (Psalm 19:14).

For a number of years, an open space adjacent to our townhouse lay empty, containing nothing but black soil. It’s an irregularly-shaped patch about 15 feet wide and 20 feet long. (FYI, I’m bad at estimating sizes).

This irregularly-shaped patch was “formless and void”. (Genesis 1:2 KJV). Nothing grew there. (Genesis 2:5).

We looked out onto this Ugly Darkness many times each day.

We saw it every time we looked out of the small window in our kitchen (on the second floor of our townhouse).

We saw it frequently—every time we made coffee—because the window is behind our coffeemaker.

Dogs love to use the black soil to relieve themselves. Fortunately, most of our neighbors clean up after their dog. They are especially careful to clean up after they spot us looking at them!

So, of course, we were glad when the landscaper planted several shrubs and a tree there. Not only does this make it harder for dogs to use the place as their bathroom. But it’s much nicer to look at living plants than at black soil!

This improvement became especially evident when bright pink blossoms appeared all over the tree. (John 1:1-5).

Since the window behind the coffeemaker is usually the first window that I look out of each day, my view of the pink blossoms literally takes my breath away at the start of each day.

As I savor the aroma of brewing coffee and rejoice in the beauty of pink blossoms, I think: “This is the Day that the LORD hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24).

I realize that, in the Way of Jesus, each of us should plant flowering trees where everyone can enjoy them. (Matthew 5:16).

I realize that, in the Way of Jesus, each of us should turn places of Ugly Darkness into places of Beautiful Life—into places that inspire everyone to rejoice and be glad each day. (Matthew 5:16).

I realize that, in the Way of Jesus, each of us should brew “coffee” with the Spirit of the LORD each day so that everyone around us will rejoice and be glad with the pleasing aroma of love, joy and peace. (Zechariah 4:6).

And I pray: “May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart today, be pleasing in thy sight, O LORD, my Strength and my Redeemer”. (Psalm 19:14).


How do you start each day? Why?

Do you start each day in ways that will lift your spirits and improve your mood? How? Why?

What “flowering trees” do you plant? How? Why?

What “coffee” do you brew with the Spirit of the LORD each day so that everyone around you will rejoice and be glad with the pleasing aroma of love, joy and peace? How? Why?


For related thoughts, please read my blogs “Meditations: This Is the Day that the LORD Hath Made”, “Meditations: This is the Day!”, and “Meditations: Pleasing Words and Thoughts”.