Spreading Light

Meditations: A Good Parent Is a Good Shepherd

The Twenty-Third Psalm describes ways to be a good mother—a good parent—by following the ways of a Good Shepherd.

On Mother’s Day, I preached a sermon based on my blog: “Meditations: “The LORD Is My Shepherd”. My pastor at Almaden Hills United Methodist Church in San Jose, California asked me to fill-in for her because she was ill. She liked that blog and asked me to use it during Worship.

Since it was Mother’s Day, I added the following thoughts that are relevant to mothers, and to any person who plays the role of a loving “parent” in any part of a person’s life. Here is what I said:

Especially when a child is young, a parent constantly makes sure they don’t lack anything.

A parent makes sure they rest in safe places.

A parent restores their spirits when they are sad.

A parent comforts them when they are scared.

A parent prepares milk and cookies when other children are mean to them.

A parent gives them so many blessings that the cup of their life runneth over.

A parent’s goodness and love follow them all the days of their life.

And they can always feel at home in the home of their parent.


When have you made sure a child rests in safe places? How?

When have you restored the spirits of a child? How?

When have you comforted a child who is scared? How?

When have you prepared “milk and cookies” for a child to whom other children have been mean? How?

When have you given a child so many blessings that the cup of their life runneth over? How?

When has your goodness and love followed a child all the days of their life? How?

When have you made a child feel at home in your home? How?

In what ways have you been a good shepherd—a good “parent”—for teenagers? Adults? Widows? Orphans? Strangers?


For the context of this blog, please read my blog “Meditations: The LORD Is My Shepherd”.