Wisdom of History
Gain wisdom from history to live lives and establish civilizations that are good—that are very good.
A Wise Wife Laughs!
A Wise Wife laughs! In the book of Proverbs, we learn the Wisdom to discern a Wise Wife. Such a…
Civilizations and Governments: A Good Toy
As we approach the presidential election of 2024, more and more Christians are turning their thoughts to the Bible to…
Civilizations and Governments: A Good Wife
As we approach the presidential election of 2024, more and more Christians are turning their thoughts to the Bible to…
Civilizations and Governments: A Good Trainer
As we approach the presidential election of 2024, more and more Christians are turning their thoughts to the Bible to…
Antisemitism and Genocide Are Evil! No Matter the Context!
Antisemitism is always evil. Genocide is always evil. The context doesn’t matter. Don’t do it. Don’t hide behind the assertion…
Civilizations and Governments: Using the Word To Build a New Earth
As we approach the presidential election of 2024, more and more Christians are turning their thoughts to the Bible to…
Rich Fools
I remember being at a national dairy conference many years ago when a “rich fool” gave us her “expert” advice….
Honoring Native Americans
At my church’s Thanksgiving Service, we took the opportunity to honor the Native Americans who lived where our church building…
Rubbernecker Delays: Judge Not
As I drove down the expressway, I suddenly ran into a traffic jam. Why? A rubbernecker delay. I’m sure you’ve…
Lahaina: The Finger of God—and of Humans!
Our hearts break for the people of Lahaina. On August 8, their homes and their historic, charming town were consumed…