Wisdom of History
Gain wisdom from history to live lives and establish civilizations that are good—that are very good.
“Suffering” Is a Misunderstanding of “Frustration”
My friends who follow the teachings of Buddha will speak of “suffering” as inherent in the human condition. But I…
White Lightning—Storing Up Treasures in Heaven
I drove my car White Lightning on a 5,000 mile road trip this past summer. I described my trip in the…
Game Lessons: Sustainable Risk
When I was about 10 years old, I began playing the game Risk with my cousins. I loved that game! …
Game Lessons: Sustainable Monopoly
Monopoly was the first “grown up” board game I played. I believe I received my own Monopoly game for Christmas…
Game Lessons: Sustainable Perseverance
My son-in-law’s career includes creating and sustaining video games. I remember him telling me a key principle to keep someone…
Game Lessons: Use It or Lose It
For about a year, my daughter, her husband, and I have been playing a “campaign game”—a series of battles whose…
An Independent Path
Recently, I was struck by the following summary of how Isaiah viewed the options facing God’s people in his time:…
Poker Lessons: Playing the Cards? Or Playing the People?
Among the many “worthwhile” things my daughter learned in college, she learned that you can win at poker either by playing-the-cards…
Chess Lessons: Playing for a Draw
My grandson is learning to play chess. It’s natural we’d love chess. I played a great deal in high school…
I Love You, Gram. Bye!
Our 7-year old grandson’s hamster, Gram, lived at our house for about two months. Recently, the time came for Gram…