Spreading Light
Be inspired to light Humanity—not through military or economic power—but through love, hope and peace.
Meditations: Hesed Blesses Forever
The hesed of the LORD blesses forever. The word hesed in Hebrew is translated a number of ways in English:…
Meditations: A Good Parent Is a Good Shepherd
On Mother’s Day, I preached a sermon based on my blog: “Meditations: “The LORD Is My Shepherd”. My pastor at…
Meditations: Let It Go
Early in the morning, I begin lifting my spirits by thinking: “This is the day that the LORD hath made….
Meditations: This Is the Day That the LORD Hath Made
Each day, I begin by meditating on thoughts that spread light into the new day that is dawning. As soon…
The Immense, Towering Rock Overcomes the Gates of Hell
During my pilgrimage to the Promised Land, I traveled to the Gates of Hell. A cave called the “Gates of…
No Power. No Meal!
My wife and I were starving. It was lunch time. We drove to Olive Garden. We didn’t expect a long…
New Year’s Reflections
The beginning of a new year is a good time to reflect upon the wisdom of the Parable of the…
Healing with Psalms: The LORD Is Gracious
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and United States President Franklin Roosevelt met in 1941 to issue a joint declaration that…
Healing with Psalms: The LORD Is Compassionate
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and United States President Franklin Roosevelt met in 1941 to issue a joint declaration that…
Healing with Psalms: Light Overcoming Darkness
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and United States President Franklin Roosevelt met in 1941 to issue a joint declaration that…