Wisdom of History
Gain wisdom from history to live lives and establish civilizations that are good—that are very good.
Arrogance Brings Destruction: Athens and the United States
Decades ago, we went on a family vacation to a cottage by the coast of Maine. On the way there,…
Use the Ways of the First Amendment, Not the Ways of the Second Amendment
The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States protects: —the independence of religious institutions from the power of…
What If Your Side Loses an Election?
As I write this blog, the Presidential Election of 2024 is drawing to a close. We still don’t know who…
Reasonable People of Goodwill
When I think about how to heal political divisions, I often use the term “Reasonable-People-of-Goodwill”. Can Reasonable-People-of-Goodwill reach different conclusions…
Acting Wisely: Searching for Wisdom Everywhere
In the Bible, the book of Proverbs tells us: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom”. (Proverbs…
Acting Wisely: Timing Is Everything
In order to act wisely, timing is everything. For example, the famous poetry of Ecclesiastes says: There is a time…
Generations of Redwoods
When my son came to San Jose, we discussed what to do while he was here. I asked to go…
The Total Eclipse: Following the GPS
My wife and I drove more than 1200 miles from Florida to Killeen, Texas to see the Total Eclipse. Our…
Civilizations and Governments: Mercy Is the Power that Preserves
As we approach the presidential election of 2024, more and more Christians are turning their thoughts to the Bible to…
Hope After Navalny: Saul Becomes Paul!
After the death of the Russian Opposition Leader, Alexei Nalvany, I saw a number of press reports warning that there…