Overcoming Darkness

Angel Puked!

As I relaxed and got myself into a positive frame of mind, I heard my cat puking. Angel had been eating dry cat food. She gagged on it. So much for rejoicing and being glad. So much for not being discouraged.

As I went through my daily meditations (see my blogs listed below), I was reflecting on the mantras:

—“This is the day that the LORD hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”; and

—“The LORD himself goes before me and is with me. He will never leave me nor forsake me. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged.”

As I relaxed and got myself into a positive frame of mind, I heard puking. Angel had been eating dry cat food. She gagged on it.

So much for rejoicing and being glad. So much for not being discouraged.

It took me about 20 minutes to clean up the messes! (Angel puked in several places.)

I tried to relax and get myself back into a positive frame of mind.

I realized that I still loved Angel despite the messes she made.

It reminded me that Jesus loves us so much that:

neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation [including “puking” and making “messes”], will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39).

And, I prayed that I may “grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ” (Ephesians 3:18).


When have your plans to start your day by relaxing and being in a positive frame of mind, been disrupted by “puking” and “messes”? How? Why?

How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ? Why?


For related ideas, please read my blogs “Grace and Peace—Ephesians”, “Places of Worship—Rainbows”, “Places of Worship—Stone Pillows”, “Places of Worship—Crossing Streams”, “Places of Worship—Seeing and Hearing”, “Places of Worship—Burning Bushes”, “Places of Worship—Following the Way of Jesus”, “Places of Worship—Praying and Singing Hymns in ‘Prisons’”, “Places of Worship—Wanting To Get Well”, “Places of Worship—Earthquakes”, and “Places of Worship—Spirit and Truth”.

For blogs about my morning meditations, please read “The Strength of the LORD: Hesed”; “Flowering Trees”; “A Dark, Rainy Dawn”;  Meditations: Let It Go”; “Meditations: Be Still”; “Meditations: Hesed Endures Forever”; “Meditations: A Good Parent Is a Good Shepherd”; “Meditations: This Is the Day that the LORD Hath Made”; “Meditations: Pleasing Words and Thoughts”; “Meditations: Jesus Is Our Secret Agent”; “Meditations: Listening”; “Meditations: Forgetting What Lies Behind”;   Meditations: Hesed Redeems Forever”;  Meditations: Hesed Blesses Forever”; “Meditations: The LORD Will Go Ahead of Me”; “Meditations: This Is the Day!”; “Meditations: The LORD Is My Shepherd”.


Many of my blogs are available as Podcasts. Go to the Main Menu on timharner.com  and click on “Podcasts”.