Spreading Light

Meditations: Listening

How do I increase the odds that, when the LORD speaks, I am listening, perceiving and understanding? How do I keep my heart from becoming so calloused and hardened that I no longer understand that I need to change and be healed? (Isaiah 6:10; Exodus 4-14).

In my final three meditations each morning, I switch the focus away from upbeat thoughts to begin my day. Instead, in these final three meditations, I focus on what lies ahead for me that day—especially what I will write and say in my blogs, books and podcasts.

In the second of these meditations, I meditate upon words found in 1 Samuel 3:9-10: Speak LORD, your servant is listening.

The high priest, Eli, taught this mantra to Samuel.

Samuel was a boy serving at Shiloh where the Ark of the Covenant was located at that time. As you may know, when Samuel  grew up, he played a key role in establishing Saul and David as kings of Israel. The books of the Bible called 1 and 2 Samuel are named after him.

Samuel’s words are worth repeating each morning.


It is good to be reminded each day that:

—we need to have the LORD speak to us that day;

—we need to serve the LORD that day; and

—we need to listen to what the LORD is saying that day.

It’s not hard for me to want the LORD to speak.

It’s not hard for me to want to serve the LORD.

But it’s very hard hard for me to listen! (Romans 7:15).

Based on more than 40 years of marriage, my wife knows very well that it’s very hard for me to listen.

No matter how many times she tells me to take out the garbage, I don’t hear her.

No matter how many times she tells me to start a load of wash, I don’t do it.

No matter how many times she tells me to start the dishwasher, I forget.

To paraphrase Isaiah, there are too many times when I hear my wife without listening, perceiving and understanding. Indeed, sometimes my heart becomes so calloused and hardened that I simply ignore her.

How do I increase the odds that, when the LORD (or my wife!) speaks, I am listening, perceiving and understanding?

How do I keep my heart from becoming so calloused and hardened that I no longer understand that I need to change and be healed? (Isaiah 6:10; Exodus 4-14).

Immediately after I finish my morning meditations, I read two pages from the New Testament in the New International Version.

Then I read two pages from the Hebrew Scriptures in The Jewish Study Bible, including footnotes and explanatory essays.

Then I read a few pages from books related to the Bible.

For example, this year I’ve been re-reading two books by Kenneth E. Bailey: (1) Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes—Cultural Studies in the Gospels; and (2) Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes—Cultural Studies in 1 Corinthians.

On audio books, I’ve listened to Roger Williams and the Creation of the American Soul: Church, State, and the Birth of Liberty by John M. Barry and Paradise Lost by John Milton.

The LORD speaks to us in many ways—not only through the words of what we read—but also through the wise words of other people. After all, people can be wise, even if they are not following Jesus. (Exodus 18:1-27; Acts 17:16-34; Romans 2:14-15; Romans 9:4-5).

I stream worship services from three churches each week. I stream news from multiple news sources with differing facts—and with conflicting perspectives, ideologies and politics.

In these myriad ways, I fill each day doing my best to listen carefully to what the LORD is saying.

What kinds of things is he saying?

Be content—regardless of my circumstances. (Philippians 4:11-12).

Rejoice! (Philippians 4:4-7).

Be the salt of the world. (Matthew 5:13)

Be the light of the world. (Matthew 5:14-16)

Be the shining city on a hill! (phrase in a 1630 sermon by John Winthrop and borrowed by President Reagan; echoing Matthew 5:13-16; Isaiah 2:1-4; Isaiah 58:6-12; Isaiah 60:1-22; Isaiah 65:17-25; Isaiah 66:22-23; Revelation 21:1-26; 22:1-5).


In what ways does the LORD speak to you and to all Humanity?

In what ways do you and all Humanity serve the LORD?

In what ways do you and all Humanity listen to the LORD?

How well do you listen to what the LORD is saying to you and all Humanity?

In what ways can you improve how well you listen, perceive and understand what the LORD is saying to you and all Humanity?


For other blogs about meditating in the morning, please read my blogs “Meditations: This Is the Day that the LORD Hath Made”, “Meditations: Let It Go”, “Meditations: Be Still”, “Meditations: A Good Parent Is a Good Shepherd”, “Meditations: THIS Is the DAY!”, “Meditations: Hesed Endures Forever”, “Meditations: Hesed Redeems Forever”, “Meditations: Hesed Blesses Forever”, “Meditations: Forgetting What Lies Behind”, “Going Further onto the Patio”, “Amazing Grace: Birdsongs!”, “Pandemic Wisdom: Leaves and Birds”, “Pandemic Wisdom: Meditating”, “A Foggy Sunrise”, “Mountains and Hills Breaking Into Song”, and “God Cares for Each Bird That I See Each Morning”.