Overcoming Darkness

Pray Without Ceasing! Always!

Pray unceasingly for love that will not grow cold—in your life, in your family, in your church, politics, the government, the nation, the civilization, and all Humanity! Praying unceasingly for courage that will not turn into cowardice as you put the words of Jesus into practice—in your life, your family, your church, politics, the government, the nation, the civilization.

Unceasingly, I hear and see bad news—war in the Holy Land, war in Ukraine, mass shootings, extreme climate changes, famines, earthquakes. And I remember: “We must keep praying. Unceasingly!”.

I feel my love going cold because of the increase of evil. I feel my courage turning into cowardice because I know that these are just the beginning of birth pangs.

What is being born?

A new heaven and a new earth where the will of God will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Therefore, I must keep praying. Without ceasing!

Praying for wisdom. Praying for shalom. Praying for hesed.

Praying unceasingly for love that will not grow cold—in my life, my family, my church, politics, the government, the nation, the civilization, and all Humanity!

Praying unceasingly for courage that will not turn into cowardice as I put the words of Jesus into practice—in my life, my family, my church, politics, the government, the nation, the civilization.


So that when these birth pangs of a new heaven and a new earth bring suffering and pain, we will not falter nor fail.

Instead, our Wisdom will be grounded in the Wisdom of Jesus. He embodies the Spirit of the LORD. His Wisdom grows hesed: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

When and how?

In the Father’s good time and in the Father’s good way. (Acts 1:6-8).


Do you pray without ceasing? For what?

Have you ever felt your love growing cold? How? Why?

Have you ever felt your courage turning into cowardice? How? Why?

How is the will of God being done today on earth as it is in heaven?

How will the will of God be done on the new earth as it is done in the new heaven?


For related thoughts, please read my blogs “Praying and Waiting”, “The Hesed of the LORD Endures Forever”, ”How Do We Build a Civilization That Is Good—That Is Very Good?” (first published in 2004 as “Nimrod’s Wars & Babel’s Arrogant Selfishness” in my book The Promised Land), “Jesus Climbs the Temple Mount”, and “Civilizations and Governments: Using the Word To Build a New Earth”.