Spreading Light

Civilizations and Governments: Overcoming Fear and Discouragement

We should not entrust ourselves to politicians or political parties. We should entrust ourselves to Jesus. Then we’ll be guided by the Wisdom of the Way of Jesus instead of foolishly being mislead by fear and discouragement.

As we approach the presidential election of 2024, more and more Christians are turning their thoughts to the Bible to guide their actions and decisions.

Some of the favorite tools of politicians and political parties are fear and discouragement.

It doesn’t take more than a quick look at the 2004 presidential campaigns to see these tools. Again and again, we hear:

—Be afraid of candidates because of what they are like and what they will do.

—Be discouraged about your life and about the life of our civilization.

I’m not saying that there’s nothing to be fearful about. I’m not saying that there’s nothing to be discouraged about.

Of course there is!

For example, we SHOULD be afraid of politicians and political parties that inflame their fearful followers by cursing others, oppressing others, and hurting others.

Like Jesus, I am under no illusions about what people are like. And about what motivates them.

Indeed, Jesus himself did not put his trust in people. Why? Because he knew what was in people. (John 2:25).

As the Gospel of John puts it:

[M]any people saw the signs [Jesus] was performing and believed in his name. But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. He did not need any testimony about [Humanity], for he knew what was in each person. (John 2:23-25 (emphasis added)).

Similarly, we should not put our trust in politicians or political parties.


Because we know that all too often politicians and political parties are led astray by the Powers of Money, Religion and Kingdoms. (See my blogs “Building Houses on Rock: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” and “Jesus Climbs the Temple Mount”).

Because we know that all too many politicians and political parties are guided by The-Wisdom-of-the-World which finds favor with the Powers of Money, Religion and Kingdoms. (See my blog “Beware the Power of the Kingdoms of the World”).

Because we know that all too few politicians and political parties are guided by The-Wisdom-of-Christ-Crucified which is a stumbling block and foolishness to the Powers of Money, Religion and Kingdoms. (See 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 and my blog “Do Not Seek the Kingdoms of the World and Their Authority”).

As the Prophet Isaiah put it:

We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way. (Isaiah 53:6).

Or, as Star Wars would put it: all too many politicians and political parties are seduced to become Evil Emperors by the Power of the Dark Side of the Force.

This does not mean that we should not wisely support and wisely vote for a specific candidate or political party. But it does mean that we should not foolishly entrust ourselves to a candidate or political party.

As a Chief Legal Officer, I engaged in government relations for over 30 years on behalf of my employer—a dairy cooperative owned by hardworking dairy farm families. In this capacity, I WORKED WITH both political parties and with many politicians of differing ideologies to advance the positions taken by my employer.

But I NEVER ENTRUSTED myself to ANY politician or political party.

And I learned long ago that political campaigns often become echo chambers of people’s fear and discouragement.

I received (and still receive!) appeals from candidates of both parties, asking for money.

After awhile, I decided that politicians must all use similar political consultants and PR firms. Why? Because their appeals for money all sound alike:

Fear my opponent!

Blame my opponent!

Give me MONEY!!!

The names change. But the modus operandi stays the same: Raise money by fanning fear and discouragement.

Therefore do not let fear or discouragement guide your decisions.

Let Wisdom guide your decisions. (Psalm 1; Psalm 119:9-16; Proverbs 2:1-22).

Let Love guide your decisions. (Luke 15:3-32).

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of such Wisdom and Love. (Proverbs 9:10).

This means fearing and following the Way of the LORD who “requires you to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8).

In contrast, the fear of the Powers of Money, Religion, and Kingdoms will cause you to do foolish things, hate-filled things. (Psalm 1; Proverbs 1:20-33).

The foolishness of those who followed Hitler and the Nazis warns us not to be guided by fear of the Powers of Money, Religion, and Kingdoms, nor to be guided by hate-filled discouragement.

Hitler became a dictator by fanning fear. By fanning discouragement.

What fear?

Fear of Jews. Fear of Communists.

What discouragement?

Discouragement from losing World War I. Discouragement from the Great Depression.

And what were the results of being guided by fear and discouragement?

Millions of innocent people murdered in the Holocaust. Tens of millions slain in World War II. The economy crushed. The nation divided and occupied by its victorious enemies.

So, what’s the cure?

What can we learn from the Wisdom that comes from the fear of the LORD?

What can we learn from the Wisdom that comes from the Way of Jesus?

How can we-the-people defeat dictators (both here in the United States and around the world)?

How can we-the-people save governments of the people, by the people, and for the people with Liberty and Justice for ALL (both here in the United States and around the world)?

How can we overcome those who curse, oppress, and hurt?

How can we overcome fear and discouragement in our lives? In our politics? In our nations? In our civilizations?

How can we be guided by Wisdom and Love, instead of being guided by Fear and Discouragement?

Hope not in politicians!

Hope not in political parties!

Hope not in the Powers of Money, Religion and Kingdoms!

Hope in the LORD! (Isaiah 40:32).


Because those who entrust themselves to Jesus will renew their strength.

They will soar above fear like eagles.

They will outrun discouragement without growing weary.

They will walk toward an ideal civilization—an ideal America—without becoming faint (Isaiah 40:31; see my books Hoping in the LORD; and Visions of America, Visions of the Church).


Because, as the Psalmist wrote more than 2,000 years ago:

The LORD himself goes before us and is with us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. (Deuteronomy 31:8).

Because, when the LORD himself goes before us and is with us, we will discover a  civilization that is good, that is very good—the ideal America that was first discovered by the hearts of Abraham, Moses and Jesus.

When we live in this Way of Abraham, Moses and Jesus, Wisdom will light our path toward this ideal civilization—this ideal America—where:

ALL people will be blessed (Genesis 12:3);

ALL pharaohs will be challenged to let ALL people be free (Exodus 5:1); and

ALL hurting people will be healed (Luke 10:25-37).


How do Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech help (not hurt) the establishment of this ideal America?

How do Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech help (not hurt) individuals and civilizations realize that the LORD himself goes before us and is with us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. (Deuteronomy 31:8).

How do Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech help (not hurt) we-the-people defeat dictators (both here in the United States and around the world) while saving governments of the people, by the people, and for the people with Liberty and Justice for ALL (both here in the United States and around the world)?

How does my blog “Building Houses on Rock: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” help you answer these questions about the indispensable roles of Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech in an ideal civilization—an ideal America?

Why do people who serve the Powers of Money, Religion and Kingdoms oppose Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech?


For thoughts related to these blogs, please read my blogs “Civilizations and Governments: An Independent Path”; “Civilizations and Governments: Giving Wisdom Without Finding Fault”; “Civilizations and Governments: Using the Word To Build a New Earth”, “Civilizations and Governments: A Good Trainer”, “Civilizations and Governments: A Good Wife”, “Civilizations and Government: A Good Toy”, and “Civilizations and Governments: How Do We Build a Good Civilization?”.

For related thoughts about the need for Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech, and about the dangers from the unification of the Powers of Money, Religion and Kingdoms, please read my blogs: “Building Houses on Rock: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”, “Jesus Climbs the Temple Mount”, “Keeping the Powers of Money, Religion and Kingdoms Separate”, and “Alcatraz: Escaping by Using ‘Countervailing Powers’ Wisely”.

For related thoughts about the need for Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Religion in a nation and in a church, please read what I published in Visions of America in 2004 about Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech in the sections “The First Americans: The Pilgrims”, “Visions of America”, “Roger Williams and ‘Religious Freedom’”, “The Great Awakening”, and “The Bill of Rights”, at pages 16-21, 49-52.

To read what I published in Lighting the World in 2004 about the importance of “Freedom of Speech” in churches, please read my writings about the discussion among Paul, James, Peter, and John described by Paul in Galatians 2:1-10 (“James, Peter and John Fellowship with Paul”, at pages 73-82) and about the Church Council described by Luke in the 15th chapter of Acts (“A Church Council Encourages Non-Jews to Turn to God”, at pages 83-90).