Overcoming Darkness
Meditations: Hesed Redeems Forever
In what Way does the Prophet Isaiah believe that the LORD (who is holy, holy holy (Isaiah 6:3)) can justify redeeming Israel—and all Humanity—even though all we like sheep have gone astray? (Isaiah 53:6-7)? In the Way of the Suffering Servant, who was crushed for our iniquities, giving us peace and healing (Isaiah 53:5) and who uses the ways of hesed to redeem individuals and all Humanity. (Luke 4:16-22).
The hesed of the LORD redeems forever!
The word hesed in Hebrew is translated a number of ways in English:
—Faithfulness. (Psalm 117:2 NIV).
—Love. (Psalm 136 NIV).
—Mercy. (Psalm 136 KJV).
—Steadfast love. (Psalm 136 ESV; Exodus 34:6-7).
—Lovingkindness. (Psalm 136 NASB).
—Kindness. (Micah 6:8).
Since no one English word captures the richness of the Hebrew word hesed, I use the Hebrew word hesed in three of my morning meditations:
—the hesed of the LORD endures forever;
—the hesed of the LORD redeems forever; and
—the hesed of the LORD blesses forever.
These three meditations are roughly in the middle of my meditations each morning. This position emphasizes that the hesed of the LORD—the Amazing Grace of the LORD—is the pivot on which my life and all Humanity turns.
How does the hesed of the LORD redeem individuals and all Humanity?
Despite Israel being carried into exile by the Assyrians and the Babylonians, the Prophet Isaiah reassured them that a remnant of Israel would be redeemed.
The Prophet Isaiah realized that God will say to those who are exiled from him: “Comfort, comfort my people.” (Isaiah 40:1).
The Prophet Isaiah realized that God has the power to comfort and redeem those who hope in the LORD.
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
(Isaiah 40:28).
In what ways does the Prophet Isaiah believe that God will redeem those who hope in the LORD?
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not faint.
(Isaiah 40:29-31).
In what Way does the Prophet Isaiah believe that the LORD (who is holy, holy holy (Isaiah 6:3)) can justify redeeming Israel—and all Humanity—even though all we like sheep have gone astray (Isaiah 53:6-7)?
In the Way of the Suffering Servant, who was crushed for our iniquities, giving us peace and healing. (Isaiah 53:5).
In the Way of the Suffering Servant, who is anointed by the Spirit of the LORD with hesed:
—to proclaim good news to the poor;
—to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight to the blind; and
—to set the oppressed free,
to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor.
(Luke 4:16-22; paraphrasing Isaiah 61:1,2 (Septuagint) and Isaiah 58:6-7).
And so, each morning as the sun rises:
—I sense the comfort of the LORD in the beauty of the sunrise and the joy of the birdsongs;
—I renew my strength by hoping in the LORD (as well as by sipping coffee);
—I confirm my commitment to following the Way of the Suffering Servant who redeems me and all Humanity;
—I experience the anointing of the Spirit of the LORD who grows love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (John 3:3-8); and
—I know that the LORD uses the ways of hesed to be my Rock and my Redeemer (Psalm 19:14).
How does the LORD use hesed to redeem individuals and all Humanity?
What are the ways of hesed that redeem those who hope in the LORD? Individuals? All Humanity?
What is the Way of the Suffering Servant?
How does the Way of the Suffering Servant redeem those who hope in the LORD? Individuals? All Humanity?
How do the ways of hesed redeem those who hope in the LORD? Individuals? All Humanity?
For other blogs about meditating in the morning, please read my blogs “Meditations: This Is the Day that the LORD Hath Made”, “Meditations: Let It Go”, “Meditations: Be Still”, “Meditations: The LORD Is My Shepherd”, ”Meditations: A Good Parent Is a Good Shepherd”, “Meditations: THIS Is the DAY!”, “Meditations: Hesed Endures Forever”, “Going Further onto the Patio”, “Amazing Grace: Birdsongs!”, “Pandemic Wisdom: Leaves and Birds”, “Pandemic Wisdom: Meditating”, “A Foggy Sunrise”, “Mountains and Hills Breaking Into Song”, and “God Cares for Each Bird That I See Each Morning”.
To learn more about how God redeems those who hope in the LORD, please read my books Healing the Promised Land and Hoping in the LORD.
The Hebrew word hesed expresses the abundant love and faithfulness of the LORD our God. To learn more about hesed, please read my blogs “Hesed Saves and Nurtures Baby Moses”, “Hesed Saves Israel—Passover”, “Hesed Nurtures Israel—From the Red Sea to Mount Sinai”, “Hesed Nurtures Israel—Mount Sinai”, “Hesed Establishes the Work of Moses’s Hands—Mount Nebo”, “Hesed Blesses Forever—David”, “Walking Humbly With Hesed—Micah”, “Hoping in Hesed—Jeremiah”, “Hesed Returns Israel to Jerusalem”, “Jesus Embodies Hesed—The Vision of Isaiah”, “Jesus Embodies Hesed—Fulfilling the Law of Moses and the Prophets”, “Jesus Embodies Hesed—Saving Sheep, Saving Coins, and Saving Sons”, “The Hesed of the LORD Endures Forever”, and ”Meditations: Hesed Endures Forever”.